A multitouch keyboard ...

Hi !

Here is a video of our latest app... a multitouch keyboard. Now, access your keyboard with just an icon on your multitouch desktop. Touch it ... and a keyboard pops out.
Dont like the size ? Scale it ...
Dont like the orientation ? Rotate it ...

Otherwise, it just works like any normal keyboard. You still have to "touch" the shift key and hold onto it to type things like $ and :)


Divesh | Adithya


geeks....steve jobs can be buried now,the press have new people to write bout
Unknown said…
hey buddies, looking good, we had something similar during our project as well, like with rotating and scaling, but it's laying somewhere under the dust, we were actually at the point of wiping the dust off and integrate it in our software as well

good luck with whats coming next

grafikpun said…
That is brilliant stuff guys! Please insist that NID makes it public and you guys benifit. :) best of luck.

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