The full compilation video ...

Hello !

This is a compilation video of most of the applications we've come up with , which by the way we presented in our semester juries. Our final concept was, to put in a lot of applications and present a concept for a future Multitouch based OS.
I'll try and explain all the apps very briefly here ...

1. The first one is our own custom presentation software

This application allows a presenter to arrange his/her slides on the multitouch table, and obviously ... scale them and rotate them. And then, there is the show button , which on touching presents the slide on a projector connected to the table. ( or for that matter any display device connected to the table ).

This is how it works

The inset in the video shows the slide being presented through a projector.

This means that, one can present his/her slides in a completely non-linear manner which is a requirement so often. And what better than referring to your slides by just touching them .

Whats more, this software is running over a network based on a http web server. So what this means is that, you can be sitting in your office with your own multitouch table ... presenting to your clients who are in some other location.
Pretty neat eh ? Therz more to come .

2. myCanvas
We've added a color mixer and a sketchbook feature to our good ol' paint application.

3. tangrams the same

4. web applications

Now you can access your flickr and youtube accounts right from the table.
Scale, rotate and resize ... not only your photos, your favourite videos too.
Whats more, you can access google maps and yahoo roads also. Pan, zoom and rotate ... using your fingers.

5. The music mixer
The music mixer is just a basic demo of how collabrative music tools can work.

6. The camera
Its simple, click photos from your camera ... plug your camera into the table . All the pictures automatically load on the table. Now, obviously you can scale and rotate them . But wait, you can edit them too ... brightness, contrast and saturation ... all simultaneously !
Touch the upload button, and all these edited photos go right into your website!
Easy , isnt it ?

ok, enough explaination's the video


chatty said…
Hey, Great Progress!...

Are you planing on posting the source for the whole compiled OS kinda thing you've got going?Its pretty cool that you've even set up a menu interface..
Is ur multi a DI device or is it using FTIR? I'm from India too.. I cant get my hands on a compliant surface... what did u guys use?

Once again totally Rad....
ankur mehra said…
amazing work. have been following your work since u started the blog. everytime i see it, i am simply thrilled. grt going guys.

-ankur , NID, paldi campus
bsq said…
Look very good !
Good Jobs ! Hope you can share the app SlideShow ! Very Excellent !
bsq said…
what did API Flash your use for example ?? App No1, and App no4
looking great as always guys! :)
Unknown said…
hey aditya.. bastard..
remember me?

AWESOME application/design (dont even know wht it is called)

keep it up!!!

Unknown said…
good concept guys, best multitouch performance in Asia >)
Anonymous said…
hmm looked great,

I just finished my table for multi touch with FTIR and now looking for some cool apps, u have done really nice apps, any plans to share them. I guess NUI group have been really good source for all of us for developing the multi touch system.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for writing this.

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